python data types

numeric, sequence, set, mapping, boolean

A data type refers to the category in which the object belongs to. You can view the type of an object by using the type() or isinstance() functions.

A data structure is a collection of different data types; while a data type holds value, a data structure holds data. Lists, sets, and dictionaries are the most common forms of data structures. String can be considered as ‘an array of characters’; a range holds a range of values and can be turned into a list which is a data structure.


  • Any kind of text data; type(““) is considered an empty string

  • Convert an object to a string with the str() function

  • Strings are enclosed in parentheses

  • Either single quote (‘) or double quotes (“) can be used to open and close a string

  • Maximum of 79 characters in each line

  • Use ‘\’ at the end of the line if not enough character space while writing code; there cannot be any character or space after the backslash

  • Use ‘\n’ to insert new line; anything written after ‘\n’ will be on a new line

  • Use ‘\'t’ to insert tab

  • Choose the separator between strings; e.g. print(‘string’, ‘string1’, ‘string2’, sep=’\t’)

  • Choose how to end the string, default is ‘\n’; print(‘string’, ‘string1’, ‘string2’, sep=’\t’, end=’ ‘)

  • Raw string - taking code at face value, like writing ‘\n’ or ‘\t’ as part of the actual string; e.g. file name would be written as print(r’C:\some\name’)

  • Escape character - ‘\’ ; used to insert illegal characters within a string; use backlash right before the character; e.g. print(“This is an \”escape\” so quotes are taken at face value”) or print(‘C:\some\\name’)

  • String formatting - the "%" operator is used to format a set of variables enclosed in a "tuple", together with a format string

    • %s - insert string

    • %d - insert an integer (digit)

    • %f - insert a floating-point number (default 6 numbers)

    • - insert a floating-point number with a fixed amount of n to the right of the decimal point

Built-in Methods:


  • Three distinct numeric types are int (integer), float (floating-point number), and complex (complex number)

    • integer - a number that can be written without a fractional component

    • float - a number that has a decimal component

    • complex - a number that can be expressed in the form of a+bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is an imaginary number

  • When you assign an integer value to a variable, the variable automatically becomes INT type

  • When you assign a decimal value to a variable, the variable automatically becomes a FLOAT type

  • When running an arithmetic operation with an INT and FLOAT, the result will be FLOAT

  • To convert an object to an integer or float, use the int() or float() functions

  • The power function is not ^ in python; this is a bitwise operation; use double asterisk **
    Refer to the operator chart here

Popular Math Functions:


  • Boolean functions return one of the truth values “True” or “False”

  • Case sensitive; TRUE, true, FALSE, false are not boolean values

  • Built-in comparison operators (==, !=, …) can return Boolean

  • Convert an object to a boolean value with the bool() function

  • Conditions can be combined using “and”, “or”, and “not”:

    • a and b: return True if both a and b are True

    • a or b: return True is at least one is True

    • not a: return True if a is False

  • Boolean functions with “and” and “or” conditions have a short-circuit behavior, meaning the program will only look at one of the two values to make a conclusion

    • a and b: if ‘a’ is false, then the value is returned without looking at ‘b’, but if ‘a’ is true, then the program will evaluate ‘b’.

    • a or b: if ‘a’ is true, then the value is returned without looking at ‘b’, but if ‘a’ is false, then the program will evaluate ‘b’

  • Values that are empty, none, or zero are False; e.g., True == 1 is True and False == 0 is True

  • Anything non-empty or non-zero will return true; e.g., bool(10) is True but bool([ ]) empty list is false


  • Lists are a mutable collection of values; otherwise known as iterables which is a Python object capable of returning its members one at a time

  • Lists are enclosed in brackets [a, b, c]

  • Lists can have different non-unique, data types; e.g. [“star”, 5.2, True, “star”]

  • Lists can be concatenated, e.g. [‘apple’] + [‘tree’] = [‘apple’, ‘tree’]; but adding two strings is different, e.g. ‘apple’ + ‘tree’ = ‘appletree’

  • Elements within a list can be identified by its index [ i ]

    • list[1] from list [a, b, c] would pull ‘b’

    • list[2] from a nested list [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] would pull [7, 8, 9]

    • list[2][-1] from a nested list [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] would pull 9

    • list[0][0] from a list [“Today”, “is”, “warm”] will pull the first letter of the first word, ‘T’

  • Slicing is multi-indexing, used to reference a certain range of elements (last element is excluded)

    • list[1:4] from list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] would pull a range [‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’]

    • list[2:] from list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] would pull list starting from [2] [‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’]

    • list[:-1] from list [‘a’, ‘p’, ‘p’, ‘l’, ‘e’] would pull everything but the last [‘a’, ‘p’, ‘p’, ‘l’]

    • third element inside the index is the step size [start:stop:step]; default is 1
      list[-2::-1] from list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’] would show [‘c’, ‘b’, ‘a’]

  • Replace or update elements in a list using index; e.g. if list = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] was updated with list[1] = ‘c’, the new list would be [‘a’, ‘c’, ‘c’]

  • A nested list is a list within a list; e.g. [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

    • You can use nested lists to create a 2D array (or 2D list). A for loop statement can be used to extract elements.

  • E.g., this type of an array can be used when recording several different temperatures each day
    Day 1 - 31, 45, 49, 37
    Day 2 - 42, 44, 51, 41
    Day 3 - 35, 46, 50, 47

  • The position of an element is represented by two indices [row][column]

  • Writing only one index will output the entire row

  • insert values with the .insert() method

    • numlist.insert(1, [10, 11, 12]) would insert a new list [10, 11, 12] into the second row (index 1)

  • update values by reassigning

    • numlist[3] = [10, 11, 12] would replace the 4th row (index 3) with the new list [10 11, 12]

    • numlist[1][2] = 5 would replace the 3rd element (index 2) from the 1st row (index 1) with 5

  • delete values with the del() method

    • del numlist[3] would delete the 4th row (index 3)

  • Zip is a function that takes two lists or tuples, and combines them into one tuple with corresponding pairs of elements from each list; the elements inside a zipped list are also tuples

  • List comprehension offers a concise syntax and can perform the combined operation of any filter() and map().

    • syntax is [<expression> for <element> in <list> if <boolean>]

    • See examples under For Loop

List Functions and Methods:


  • Tuple is an immutable sequence used to store collections of heterogeneous/unique data

  • Tuples are enclosed in parenthesis although this is optional; empty tuple is ( )

  • Tuples provide a safeguard against accidental tampering of data

  • Like a list, you can access the elements within the tuple using indexing

  • Like a list, you can have tuples inside tuples (nested tuple)

  • Unlike a list, tuples consist of immutable elements which can be used as key for dictionary

  • You cannot modify a tuple, but you can delete it entirely using the del keyword

  • If there is a list (mutable) inside a tuple (immutable), you can modify that inner-list

  • Packing refers to assigning multiple values into a tuple

  • Unpacking refers to assigning a tuple into multiple variables and passing it through a function as multiple arguments

* (single) used for tuples

** (double) used for dictionaries


  • Range is an immutable sequence of numbers

  • Range() is the function to call the sequence of integers

  • You cannot view the return of a range; you have to convert it to a list()

  • This data type is useful for memory space efficiency, e.g. instructing program to iterate an object x many times without having to save each element or variable as a memory (i.e. a for loop)

  • Similar to slicing, range takes three arguments: start, stop, step (excluding the last element)

    • range(10) would include all the numbers from 1 to 9

    • list(range(10)) converts the output to a list type [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    • range(0, 10, 2) returns every two numbers from the range, so 2, 4, 6, 8

    • range(15, 10, -1) goes backwards from the range, so 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

    • sum(range(100)) is the sum of every number between 1 to 99 (4950)


  • A set is a mutable object used to store unique elements in no specific order

  • A frozenset is an immutable set

  • While the set itself is mutable, the elements inside a set have to be immutable; e.g. cannot add list to a set

  • Cannot use indexing to identify elements (like we can for lists and tuples)

  • Supports non-mutating list operations as long as they don’t depend on order
    Example: a bowl of fruit; cannot say give me the first and last fruit, but you can say give me the next fruit

  • A set is enclosed in curly brackets { } or you can use the set() function

  • Is a list is [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3] then a set would be {1, 2, 3}

  • A set can be within another set, also known as Nested Set


  • Mutable, unordered collection of data values that stores information called key-value pairs; if you want to access a specific piece of information in the dictionary, just refer to the key (think of an actual dictionary where key = word and value = definition)

  • This is the only Mapping Type which maps (connects) values to objects

  • Looking up via dictionary is quicker than a list because dictionaries use hash values (unique ID values for immutable objects); in contrast, looking up 4 in a list of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] will take longer since this is a linear search

  • Dictionaries are enclosed in curly brackets {key:value, key:value …}

  • Keys have to be immutable (e.g., int, str, float, tuple <elements inside tuple must also be immutable>); values can be any object

  • Keys must be unique; any duplicate keys will override the previous pairs

  • Use dict() function to create a dictionary; e.g., dict(((‘apple’, 123), (‘orange’, 456), (‘banana’, 789))) and it will return {‘apple’:123, ‘orange’:456, ‘banana’:789}

  • Dictionary can be within another dictionary, also known as Nested Dictionary

Functions and methods:

  • When iterating over a dictionary, the output will be the keys; e.g. for i in market: print(i) will output ‘fruit’, ‘price’, and ‘inventory’

  • Under the module collections, there is a function called defaultdict() which acts like a regular dictionary except it never errors; instead, it will provide a default value

    • all the values must be of the same data type

    • defaultdict() dictionary will pretend that that any possible keys exist and has a value of zero

    • the argument in defaultdict() must be set to either None or a function that can be called upon (e.g., def default: return ‘value is missing’)

    • you can also set the argument to int or float in which the default will be zero; or the argument can be a list in which the default will be the values in the list