Hotel Performance Dashboard
A Tableau dashboard displaying hotel performance in various data visualization and analyses.
#Tableau #DataVisualization #Dashboards #DataAnalysis
Predicting Billboard Hot100 Song Hits
Featuring the use of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to identify what audio features and lyrics increase the likelihood of a song reaching the Billboard Hot100 chart.
#LogisticRegression #RandomForest #ADAboost #NLP #TFIDFvectorizer #LDAmodel #WebScraping #API
Baby Name Trends
Data Visualization using Tableau featuring baby names registered at the SSA from 1880-2021. Interactive dashboard published on Tableau Public Server.
#Tableau #DataVisualization #Dashboards #DataAnalysis
French Bakery Sales Analysis
Data analysis utilizing PostgresSQL. Project is to showcase SQL coding skills as well as Microsoft Excel visualization techniques.
#PostgresSQL #SQL #MicrosoftExcel #Excel #DataAnalysis #DataVisualization
Predicting the Age of an Abalone
Running regression models on statsmodels.api and sklearn frameworks to identify features that best predicted an abalone’s age. Project submitted as part of datacamp’s competition.
#Regression #Statistics #MachineLearning
Coffee Shop Locations
Utilizing Plotly visualization tools to create Choropleth and Scattergeo maps. Project submitted as part of datacamp’s competition in identifying Denver neighborhoods for a new coffee shop.
#DataVisualization #Plotly #Maps #Choropleth #Scattergeo #Python
What Drives Netflix Scores?
Using a multiple linear regression model to determine what features drive high scores for Netflix shows and movies. Scores are based on IMDB, TMDB, and Rotten Tomatoes.
#MultipleRegression #NLP #API