python iterations

run, check conditions, loop back, repeat

Quick Intro & Terminology

  • Loops allow programmers to repeat steps multiple times until some condition is met or the condition has reached the pre-specified number of iterations

  • Iterable - an object capable of returning its members one at a time, i.e. it is anything that has a collection of things (e.g., list, tuple, range, dictionary, map, zip)

  • Iterator - a class in Python that gives us access to two special methods: __iter__ and __next__

    • iter allows object to remember where it is during iteration

    • next tells object how to get the next value

    • an iterator can be an iterable

  • Iterable vs. Iterator

    • think of iterable as an adjective, an object that is “capable of”

    • think of iterator as a verb, actually iterating objects by calling the next() function

  • Iter() is a function used on an iterable to return an iterator object

  • Next() is a function used on an iterator will return elements one by one and “consume” them each time the function is run; when end is reached, an error will show unless you set a default value

  • During a For Loop, the iterable (list) is converted to an iterator in the backend which gives it the __iter__ and __next__methods; each element is pulled and stored into the variable until the list is exhausted

iterable vs. iterator

Iterables can also be used in other functions:

  • Map is a function that applies a given function to each item of an iterable (e.g., list) and returns an iterator (e.g., map object)

    • syntax is map(function, object)

    • use a non-mutating operator so that there is a return

    • you can pass through multiple arguments

    • use a lambda function if you want to use operators like + or -

  • Zip is a binary function that takes two lists of the same length and makes one list containing pairs of corresponding elements of the two lists

    • useful in combing multiple iterables into one iterable

    • elements in the zipped lists are tuples

  • Filter is similar to map, but filter goes through each element in the iterable and returns certain values based on the condition

    • syntax is filter(function, iterable)

    • function acts as a condition checking if the sequence is True or False

    • returns a filtered iterator

  • Enumerate is a function that returns the index and the element from the iterable in the form of a tuple pair

    • the function returns an enumerate object, an iterator

    • default starting index is zero; if you want to override this, enter the starting point as the second argument in the function

    • you can use this function within a for loop; the results will print each index with its element

  • Reduce is a function from the functools module that applies a function to an iterable and reduces it to a single cumulative value

    • syntax is functools.reduce(function, iterable)

    • cumulatively adds two elements of the list from left to right

  • Yield can be used instead of return within a function and the function will have an iterator property. Technically, this will return a generator object which is a special case of iterator. A generator is an iterator but not vice versa. (Example on right)

  • Compared to all these iterable functions with clear purposes, the for loop statement acts as a jack of all trades but obscures the actual operation that the loop performs

  • Rule of thumb: use non-mutating operation for map() to get a return, use for loop for mutating operations

Example: an instance when the iterator is an iterable

  • the original iterable is a nested list

  • when this nested list was filtered for empty lists (defined by function ‘not_empty’), it became an iterator during the code: filter(not_empty, nested_list)

  • but at the same time, it was an iterable for the function ‘first_item’ which pulled the first element at [0] index during the code: map(first_item, iterator)

For Loop / While Loop

  • For Loop - a programming structure that allows you to achieve iteration, the process of repeatedly performing a set of instructions; typically used to iterate over a sequence of data

    • syntax is for i in <sequence>: <next line with indent> <statement>

    • you can read it as: for each element in this sequence, do this statement until you reach the end.

    • in each iteration, the element is stored into the variable i, which means the variable changes at each iteration

    • the variable can be called anything and does not need to be assigned outside of the loop

    • in the back-end, the for loop is converting the iterable to iterator and performing the next() function

    • a for loop can be within another for loop, also known as Nested Loop

    • cannot use the map() function in a for loop with print() because print() does not hold any value

  • While Loop - repeats a task until the condition is evaluated as False; unlike For Loop, the While Loop needs the loop variable to be created and initialized beforehand; to initialize a variable means to give the variable an initial value

    • syntax is while <Boolean condition>: <next line with indent><statement>

    • you can read it as: while the condition is True, execute the statement until it is False.

    • unlike for loops, a sequence to iterate over is not required

    • while loop does not increment values like a for loop can

    • beware of infinite loop which is a loop that never reaches its stopping condition

  • After each iteration, the loop checks the condition; if the condition tells the loop whether to stop or continue, so the condition within the loop is crucial as it determines how long the loop will run for

  • These are additional statements that allow us to have more control of loop statements:

    • Break - this statement immediately terminates the (for or while loop) loop it is in, even before the condition is met; this provides a way to terminate the loop within the middle of the body

    • Continue - terminates the current iteration of the loop and goes back to the header; “continues” to the next iteration of the loop

    • Pass - null statement; used as placeholders when user doesn’t want any code to execute; in contrast to a comment which is ignored by the interpreter, a pass is not ignored although nothing happens when a pass is executed; user can place pass where empty code is not allowed, like in loops, function definitions, class definitions, or in if statements to avoid error

    • Else - executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable or when the condition becomes false, but not when the loop is terminated by a break statement

  • List comprehensions are a shorter way of running ‘for loop’ on lists

    • syntax is [<expression> for <element> in <list> if <boolean>]

    • offers a concise syntax and can perform the combined operation of any filter() and map() functions into one line

    • a ‘for loop’ would have required creating a new empty list to append to while looping through the elements in the old list